Grace McCleen
Grace McCleen has written three novels: The Land of Decoration, (2012, Chatto and Windus), translated into over 30 languages, winner of the Desmond Elliot and Betty Trask award, The Professor of Poetry (2013, Sceptre), shortlisted for the Encore Award and The Offering (2015, Sceptre), winner of the Jerwood Prize. Grace taught at the Centre for New Writing at Manchester, teaching MA and PhD creative writing students and was a writer-in-residence at the Bronte Parsonage at Haworth, producing a book of poetry called Every Sounding Line. She has written reviews of fiction for the Guardian, The Times, the Observer, The Independent, The Financial Times, The T.L.S. and written essays for the online literary magazine Boundless, Unbound. She currently offers private mentoring and feedback for creative writing students and is working on her fourth novel and a book of non-fiction.