Jennifer Page: 'What I’m always focused on is creating that chemistry between my main characters'
BY Emily Powter-Robinson
14th Feb 2023
Jennifer Page has taken numerous courses with us over the years. Her debut novel The Little Board Game Café will be published by Aria (the commercial imprint of Head of Zeus publishing) in April. We spoke about her advice for writers working on romance novels, her favourite romance tropes and the upcoming publication of her second book.
You’ve taken an impressive range of courses with us including Writing a Memoir, Write to the End of Your Novel, Writing a Romance Novel, Edit & Pitch Your Novel and Plot & Story – The Deep Dive. How did your time studying with us impact your writing journey?
Ha! I didn’t realise there were that many. I sound like a bit of a course addict. Even more so if I admit I have a serious longing to do the Marian Keyes one!
Each course had a different impact so it’s difficult to summarise. The memoir course was the first one I did. Cathy Rentzenbrink talked about the three-act structure. I hadn’t really thought about this before; I just imagined I’d tell my story as it actually happened. Fast forward two years and every time I have a new book idea, I immediately start thinking what those three acts would be.
Edit and Pitch – well, a couple of months later I got my book deal which says it all, doesn’t it?
And I have to mention Writing a Romance Novel. It wasn’t so much the content of this one as the way that content was delivered. I love Jenny Colgan’s novels – if I aspire to write like anyone, it’s definitely her – and listening to each of her talks was like reading one of her novels. I found her inspiring. I still refer back to that course when I’m stuck. So grateful that CBC make the materials and videos available after the course has finished!
It wasn’t just the courses either; I was offered the book deal the day before The Deep Dive started and was in a bit of a panic about having a deal but no agent. Abby and Paul from CBC were really supportive and Abby’s advice helped me find my agent (Rebecca Ritchie at AM Heath) so I’ll always be grateful to them.
Many of our students find lifelong writing friends on our courses. Are you still in touch with anyone you met on our courses?
Yes, I’m in touch with loads of people, and some of us email each other almost every day. I started a Facebook group after the memoir course – anyone who’s done a CBC course is welcome to join – and I’ve stayed in contact with people through that. I met Helen Hawkins on the romance course; as well as writing her own book, she’s now trained as an editor. She read my manuscript, gave me very helpful advice and suggested the title.
Your debut novel The Little Board Game Café is being published by Aria in April 2023. It has been described as a fun and uplifting romance set in Yorkshire, perfect for lovers of board games. Can you tell us a bit more about the novel and the inspiration behind it?
The setting was inspired by the quirky town of Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire. It’s famous as the setting for Happy Valley, but in my book, the valley is much happier: there’s no drugs, no murders and no Tommy Lee Royce. The love interest in the book, Ludek, is inspired by my husband Hermi: Ludek is from a Polish background; is a doctor (although Hermi is actually retired now); and has a massive collection of board games. When I first met Hermi, I’d enjoyed the odd game of Scrabble and Monopoly, but he’s introduced me to loads of different and much more complicated games and I now share his passion for them.
What does a typical writing day look like for you?
My day always begins with coffee. You know how writers share pictures of their fabulous desks on Instagram? Well, I don’t have a desk. I usually work in bed, which probably sounds terrible but it’s the warmest place in our old Yorkshire farmhouse. I write until lunchtime, sometimes being quite productive, sometimes not. After lunch, we go for a walk or play a board game or both. Now I’ve finished writing The Little Board Game Café, I can no longer claim that playing board games is research although the second novel has a bit of a board game theme too.
I find the times when I’m not actually sitting down writing are just as important as the ones when I am; it’s then that I get ideas or work out solutions to my plot problems.
Can you share one piece of advice for writers working on romance fiction?
Tricky! I still feel like a novice, that I should be asking for advice, rather than giving it. What I’m always focused on – and I’m not saying I’ve cracked it – is creating that chemistry between my main characters. With romance, it’s often obvious to the reader from the moment they meet that they’re destined to end up together, but watching the characters realise that themselves is what makes the novel sparkle.
Which books have you enjoyed reading lately?
Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter and No Life For A Lady by Hannah Dolby, which is another 2023 debut, have been recent favourites; both made me laugh out loud. I often go back and read novels I’ve enjoyed before and, aside from Jenny Colgan, my favourite authors are Maeve Binchy, Rosamund Pilcher, and Jojo Moyes. Everyone talks about Moyes’ novel Me Before You, but I return to Night Music and Silver Bay time and time again.
What is your favourite romance trope in a story and why?
I’m torn. As a reader, ‘enemies to lovers’ if it’s done well. I’m a big Bridget Jones fan. But I also love ‘friends to lovers’ - I think that’s more believable as it’s more likely to happen in real life.
Finally, what’s next for your writing journey?
My second novel is in the hands of my lovely editor, Rachel Faulkner-Willcocks, so I’m working on the third one. No board games in this one, but there is a narrowboat which is another love of mine – I used to live on one. I’m also constantly trying to improve my writing by listening to my agent and editor’s advice and reading novels by more established writers. Who knows, I may even enrol on another course!
Pre-order your copy of The Little Board Game Café here.
The next six-week Writing a Romance Novel with Jenny Colgan starts on the 16 Mar 2023.