Editorial services
Get detailed feedback on your work from our team of leading writers and professional editors. You can sign up for our editorial services at any time.
Manuscript Reports
Get feedback on your full or partial manuscript, including in-depth advice on how to address any problem areas. £750 for a manuscript of up to 95,000 words. Price dependant on manuscript length.
Submission Reports
Make sure your pitch package is in the best possible shape before you send it out to agents. Get detailed feedback on your pitch letter, one-page synopsis and 10,000-word opening. £385.
Transform your work-in-progress with three months of one-to-one mentoring. We will match you with a mentor from our team of renowned author-tutors. £650.
Meet our expert editors
Get feedback from published authors or experts with proven track records at acclaimed publishing houses or literary agencies. We match editors to students writing in the genres they specialise in.
Genevieve Fox
- Renowned feature journalist
- Acclaimed memoir writer
- Provides feedback to our Writing a Memoir students
Simon Ings
- Author of 8 acclaimed novels
- Renowned science fiction author
- Columnist for The Times
Wyl Menmuir
- Award-winning author
- Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize
- Provides feedback to our Write to the End of Your Novel students
Lauren Pearson
- Author of 5 books for young readers
- Former literary agent and current freelance editor
Richard Roper
- Senior commissioning editor for non-fiction at Headline
- Critically-acclaimed novelist